Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Art and story of Eros

Eros is known as the god of love. Considered to be one of the oldest gods of ancient Greek society, he was the maker of man kind. He is also credited with the power to grant new life from his use of love in humans and in early mythology even animals. Eros has had three identities in his life as a god to the ancient Greeks, each in connection with the three main periods of the Greek empire. Although he has had three names and identities his power to instill love and therefore life have always been the same. Depicted as a human with wings armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows tipped in poison that causes love. Usually depicted as a male, his age varies from artist to artist. Ancient Greeks depicted him as a full grown adult male. The image of Eros as the cupid we are familiar with today, as the dwarfish and pudgy child, was not used until the Renaissance Age in Europe.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

very nice redaction